Sunday, May 10, 2015

Spring Flowers!

Hello Jammers!
It's Koala here today.
The beta testing of Play Wild is coming to a close! Although, I didn't get to test (no Android), I was a certified tester in the community.
Anyways, in the world of Jamaa, new clothing!
The Spring Flowers Collection by AJHQ, (Haha, like a clothing commercial).
We have the Spring Flower bracelet up today, and the Spring Flower head item from yesterday,
These items are pretty glamorous if I do say so myself.
That's all for today, jammers!
(P.S. Send glitches, plushie collections, or suggestions to )


  1. Hello! I might be interested as an author. I already write for another blog: and I was wondering if you liked my style. Of course, right now I spend all my blogging time on the alpha blog, but I might be able to "transfer" articles that you like. If you think I might be "useful", reply to this comment and I will send you my email! :)

    1. Of course! Thank you for asking. What day would you want?
